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Which Facial is Right for You?

2016-10-14T02:07:05-05:00November 30th, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Which Facial is Right for You?

We live in a world of options, with so many new innovations and lifestyle conveniences created it's hard to keep up with the next best thing. But when it comes to relaxing, life shouldn't be so complicated. That's why Oriental Wellness Center & Spa is breaking it down for you. If you want or need a facial, how do you decide which is the best one? Go through this checklist: Aging and dry or normal skin: You're best bet is the Royal Jadeite Facial Treatment Experience. Historically exclusive to the kings and queens of East Asia, this treatment utilizes the healing powers of the [...]

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Experience Beauty Inside and Out with Facial Rejuvenation

2017-02-10T18:58:44-06:00November 29th, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Experience Beauty Inside and Out with Facial Rejuvenation

If it wasn't already taken, "taste the rainbow," could almost fit the bill as a tagline for the modern skincare technology trend known as Energy Light Rejuvenation (ELR) Facial. The treatment uses a range of colored light combined with essential acupuncture points to encourage collagen production, smooth fine lines and wrinkles, firm skin tone, improve skin texture and diminish blemishes. The best part? It's an all-natural, non-invasive treatment. It involves no surgery or discomfort and needs no downtime. Most people notice results after just three treatments, but 10 treatments will leave you feeling transformed — both inside and out. What are you waiting [...]

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Thai Massage Rocks You Into Relaxation

2016-10-14T02:07:05-05:00November 21st, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Thai Massage Rocks You Into Relaxation

Pull, compress, stretch and rock — though these four words might not automatically make you think of massage, the actions are all among the techniques used during a Thai massage at Oriental Wellness Center & Spa in Pewaukee. Thai massage is an ancient energy-based healing system developed in Thailand and influenced by the traditional medicines systems of China and Southeast Asia. It combines acupressure, reflexology and assisted yoga postures, during which the body is compressed, pulled, stretched and rocked in order to clear energy blockages and relieve tension. Sound strange? Check out how relaxed these recipients look in a recent demonstration at the [...]

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